Learn digestible, non-diety nutrition science that you can apply to nourish your body from a place of care, not self-control.
A shame-free, compassionate nutrition education
Contrary to common misconceptions, Intuitive Eating is not just eating whatever you want.
It is also about utilizing objective nutrition science to optimize how you want to feel in your body.
In this course, you’ll learn easy-to-understand nutrition science so you can honor your body with gentle nutrition.
Importantly, this is NOT like any nutrition education you’ve likely received before. This is objective, shame-free nutrition information designed to equip you with the tools you need to honor your body’s needs on any given day.
We approach nutrition from a place of self-care NOT self-control.
Experience Aligned Nutritioin
Here's a closer look at the step-by-step curriculum in Aligned Nutrition:
"And I said to my body, softly, ‘I want to be your friend.’ It took a long breath. And replied, `I have been waiting my whole life for this.'"
—Nayyirah Wahee
When you enroll in Aligned Nutrition you'll receive:
13+ On-Demand Video Lessons. Aligned Nutrition gives you a carefully crafted, evidence-based, proven step-by-step process that will help you better understand nutrition science to optimize the way you to feel in your body.
Aligned Nutrition 101 E-Book: A 15+ page e-book giving you one central place to reference the material you'll learn throughout the video modules
Simple Meal Guide E-Book: An E-book providing tons of budget-friendly, easy to throw together, no-fuss meal ideas utilizing the pillars of aligned nutrition you'll learn in this course. Each meal idea is complete with a short paragraph explaining why the meal is optimized from a gentle nutrition perspective.
BONUS: Snacks Are Your Friend E-Book An e=E-book providing 10+ easy snack ideas using the pillars of aligned nutrition you'll learn in this course. Each snack idea is complete with a short paragraph explaining how the snack is optimized from a gentle nutrition perspective.
BONUS: Mindset Overview Because every single one of us carries years of diet culture debris with us every day, to truly step into life as an Intuitive Eater and to achieve the peace with food you desire, you need to go a step further than learning nutrition information. You also need tools to rewire your neural pathways around how you relate to food. That's why we threw in these 3 bonus modules on mindset.
BONUS: Wisdom Library. Sick of scouring the internet for resources on Intuitive Eating only to find someone sharing something that is steeped in diet culture? I’ve personally vetted, curated, and made available to you a robust library to support your ongoing journey as an Intuitive Eater. This library is full of diet-culture-free resources to help you return to your power and wisdom and includes things like: book, podcast + social media recommendations, case studies, IE research, documentaries, inspirational quotes and poems, journaling prompts, and guided meditations.
Lifetime Access. I am on a mission to get Intuitive Eating principles into as many people’s hands as possible. I also want you to be able to reference the material, practice the tools, and revisit as much as you need to reinforce what you're learning as you navigate different seasons of life. This is why lifetime access to all content (including future upgrades and enhancements) is included at no extra charge.
Meet your course instructor, Leah Kern, RD
Hi there, I'm Leah, an anti-diet dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor who specializes in helping people heal their relationships with food and body. My approach to coaching is firmly evidence-based, rooted in the Health At Every Size (HAES®) & Intuitive Eating frameworks. I believe that the work involved with unraveling years of conditioning in diet culture and learning to come home to one’s body is deeply spiritual work, and I treat it as such.
I'm also no stranger to going on diets and "lifestyle plans." For years, food consumed my life. I tried everything to get my eating under control, but nothing ever stuck, and my disordered patterns only worsened, until I found Intuitive Eating, which changed everything... You can learn more about my story here.
It is my mission to teach you to feel at peace and control around food so you can live your most expansive, fulfilling life without being burdened by disordered eating.
And yes! It's possible to be intuitively drawn to nutrient-dense foods. Here's an awesome example of the types of wins that are possible when you implement the tools I teach in Aligned Nutrition.
Thoughtful questions are the sign of a truth-seeker. Let’s address yours.
As long as I have a Kartra account, am in business, and am still selling this program, you’ll have access to the materials and all future upgrades and enhancements.
There is no refund policy, all sales are final. When you sign up for this program, you will have immediate access to downloadable, copyrighted, and proprietary material. Do not purchase this program if you don’t intend to complete it because there are no refunds once you have access to the materials.
I understand. I’ve been duped by diet culture before too, and I know that when you’ve tried every diet and lifestyle plan under the sun, it can be hard to know what to trust. It’s completely valid to be concerned. Here’s the thing. Everything you've tried in the past is an outside set of rules you've been given to trust. Whether it was a diet telling you to trust a points system, calorie tracking app, good v bad food list, or strict schedules for eating… these diets all tether you to something outside of yourself. Your success in a diet depends on you sticking to their system, but their systems are never sustainable. Nobody can stick to them forever. The evidence on diets, and likely your own experience with them, proves this. With Intuitive Eating, you are not given anything outside of what you already have within you. You are not tethered to any sort of external rules or systems. In Aligned Nutrition, you won’t receive any sort of meal plan, rules, or eating protocols. Instead, you’ll learn how to return to honoring your own body’s power and wisdom. As you discover how to interpret your body’s wisdom and cues, in time you’ll know what you need for fuel to feel good in your body. You won’t need anything external to you. Intuitive Eating is not a diet, which is why you won’t be “duped” again.
I got you covered. Just email me at leah@leahkernrd.com and let’s talk about it.
Again, I totally understand. To be honest, almost every client I’ve ever worked with, and there have been dozens at this point, have said that. And here’s the tiny bit of tough love that I always give in response — you are not the exception to the science. Yes, you read that right. You are not an exception to the science. You’re a human being. There are certain rules and laws about physiology, biology, and psychology that makes it impossible for diets to work. And these same principles of physiology, biology, and psychology are the reasons why Intuitive Eating works! But remember, Intuitive Eating is not a diet. It is based on evidence and science that demonstrates that you and your body ALREADY KNEW what to do with food, until diet culture got a hold of you. And this program simply removes all that diet culture debris, so you can return to what you already know. So you can return to your innate power and wisdom and experience peace with food. With the right tools and support, Intuitive Eating can work for you, too. You are not a unicorn.
Unlike in diet culture, I’m not going to make you any flashy promises about the guaranteed outcomes of this program. The bottom line is, I don’t have a crystal ball. I don’t know if you’re going to show up and do the work. I don’t know how your journey ends. What I do know, and what I’m extremely confident in based on seeing dozens of my clients go through this process, and based on the robust body of research on Intuitive Eating, is that with the right tools and support, you can heal your relationship with food and your body. You can stop the binging. You can quiet the incessant and unhelpful thoughts. You can stop feeling so gross after a night out with friends. You can start going to events and being present for them. You can stop letting your days be dictated by how “good” or “bad” you’re being with food. You can live a life where food is not the enemy — where it’s nourishment, connection, and joy. Food can be fun and satisfying instead of stressful. And you can live a life in alignment with your values and your truth, instead of the one diet culture is trying to force feed you. You CAN find peace again. I believe that with my whole heart, and would be honored to help you discover that for yourself if you’re ready to do the work.
This is an important question and I want to be really clear: THIS IS NOT a weight-loss program. The evidence shows us that there is no ethical way to achieve weight loss long-term or sustainably. 95% of people who pursue intentional weight loss gain it all back in 5 years, if not more. Also, the current body research strongly shows that weight is not an indicator of health, so given that I’m rooted in the evidence, it’s not within my ethics to focus on weight loss. All that said, I also want to be clear that it’s not that you can't have weight loss as a desire. We live in a fatphobic culture and there are privileges and benefits that come with being in a small body. It’s natural to want that and I will never try to invalidate that or say it’s not something you should want. But, people who are an ideal fit for this course usually are driven by something other than weight loss. They want more brain space, more flexibility and spontaneity in life, more fulfillment, more peace. Most of them recognize that if weight loss happens, that’s okay, but they’re willing and able to put weight loss on the back burner for now… knowing if they accomplish their other goals they’ll feel good regardless of any weight loss.
Absolutely. Truth-seekers of all body types, abilities, and social identities are seen, protected, and welcomed here. No one is immune to the dangers of diet culture which is why I proudly serve clients across the gender spectrum. Men and nonbinary folks in particular are grossly underserved in the Intuitive Eating space, and I hope to change that narrative. If you read this page and feel like it speaks to you, you are welcome here.
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